* This blogpost does not contain sponsored content.
Nowadays, social media often happens to only showcase the shiny parts of traveling and while we’re both feeling exceptionally grateful for the ability to spend plenty of time exploring the world, at times we find ourselves disappointed when we finally touch down at our destination.
Be it because the place just doesn’t live up to one’s expectations or because it feels a little overrated, there can be several reasons for you to feel kind of discontent with the place you’ve been longing to see.
If, for whatever reason, you’ve ever felt the same, here are some ideas to help you out:
1) Try new things
Giving new experiences e. g. a cooking class, dance lessons,.. a go will not only open up the chance to meet new people, it will also link positive memories of your adventure with your destination! Look out for fun activities happening around you (Local facebook groups and tourist offices are your friends here!) and get started!
2) Gather local knowledge!
Information on what to do/ see/ eat in a certain location comes at you left right and center, but locals will always know their city best! Your AirBnb landlord will certainly be able to guide you round the most touristy spots to some “hidden gems” as will local people on social media when asked nicely!
We’ve done exactly that for our upcoming trip to Vilnius by reaching out to a lovely lady on Instagram! (Hi, If you’re reading this!) even though we l o v e this town and we've been there a few times already, there are still places we haven’t discovered yet and this is where local knowledge really is worth its weight in gold! Foodspots are just one example in which we always tend to follow the locals, because more often than not, they’ll know where to dine for a yummy & fun experience!
3) Take a (free) walking tour!
Those tours are available in almost every town around the globe now and we highly recommend taking one! Not only will they give you an overview of the sights and fun stuff to do where are you are but also offer a chance to connect with other travelers and their thoughts about the how to still make this trip an enjoyable one!
4) Read a blog post
Coming across a blog post covering the place you’re staying will most likely give you a heads-up on a spots you might not have heard about yet. Think of quirky districts round town or a secluded market waiting for you and your camera!
Knowing where those compelling spots are can be key for you to get to see your destination through a different lens and change your initial impression!

5) The cure for boredom is curiosity
Know that saying? A quick Google – search might unveil flashy facts about your holiday location, such as striking historical features, sights with popular background or a particular dish only served right out your doorstep.

Let’s chat!
Have you ever had a similar experience?
We’d love for you to leave a comment down below!
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